Did a quick level check and found one surround speaker with no treble. I said "this movie will not be the same without treble on the left front presence speaker" - so there goes the afternoon. I opened it up, found a spade loose in the old Vifa tweeter.
Instead of reinserting it and moving on, I decide "it has to be soldered". The cheap plastic Vifa did not agree with overkill Weller at 100 watts (my bad), so the terminal broke. Now I had to replace two tweeters. I found a pair of 70s Yamaha tweeters in the scrap pile, but the magnet was too big so I had to modify the boxes.... then I decided to upgrade the caps, then replace the acoustafill with fiberglass fill... bla bla bla - by the time I was done it was 1 am and I had not watched the movie.
But the little bitches sound great!! (don't diss my brown silicone application technique I was tired and the grills cover that crap)
