So, I've been sitting here reading over posts (started from the bottom up) and thought it rude of me not to introduce myself...
I'm Ed. Probably one of the younger hifi nuts here at 29. I was bred to enjoy music, eventually leading to a bank breaking, relationship ending, physical, psychological, and obviously audiological addiction to audio gear.
I grew up force fed Pink Floyd, Santana and fusion jazz by my father who was never a musician, but went to enough concerts to render himself 30% deaf and perpetually stoned. The former is quite a shame because his strive for better sound is no weaker than any of ours.
Although his dream set-up (as far as I know) is a pair of whispers and an aragon 8008b, he is set for the time being listening to the stereo I grew up on. Hafler DH500, DH110, Sansui TU717, Yamaha YP-D10, and Polk SDA-A1 (It's all in the will for me). This was the set up after JBL L65 jubals, 901s

, and Marantz 1200b passed on.
The point here is I've let the fascination carry on through me.
My meek set ups to date are:
-Sansui AU 710
Yamaha cd player
Music Hall MMF5
Kenwood junk tape player
McIntosh XR16
-NaD T763
Sony Junk CD player
Mirage m890i
Wharfedale frankensteins with Infinity woofers and Philiips tweets
-Pioneer sx828 b(being repaired)
Blueroom minipods