Author Topic: New Vintage Philips TT!!  (Read 5687 times)

Offline icravcarver

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New Vintage Philips TT!!
« on: June 04, 2011, 09:35:46 PM »
Okay,  I broke down and responded to an add for a Yamaha P-07 TT on CL locally, and when I get there it has seen better days, so I pick it up for $5 figuring I can tinker with it - which is another story all itself.  (I've always wanted to try out the three point floating chassis - so I figure what the heck.)  As I am pointing out the issues with the unit, the guy ends up pulling out a Philips AF-677 with a Grado cartridge.  He ended up throwing it in for NOTHING!!!  I had to throw some new RCA's on the end of the output wires, and viola,  I now have a pretty freaking good sounding TT for nothing!

This doesn't usaully happen to me, as I usually end up with the short straw whenever it comes to finding of getting the deals.  All I can say, is this thing sounds better than my Dual CS-530 w/Ortofon Super OM-10.  (I do need a new stylus for the Ortofon, and plan on jumping up to at least a 20 if not 30 stylus - just have to put together some scratch!).  I did email Grado because I couldn't find any information or pictures of any Grado cartridges that look like this, but per my description, they emailed me back and said it sounded like and FTE+1 (but apparently they private labeled some for distributors back in the day according to the email).  I was surprised since I emailed them last night, and I got a response today!  Pretty cool for service.  I did send them a picture finally so they could verify if what I described is accurate, so well see if I get another response.  If any of you have any experience with Grado cartridges, feel free to chime in.

I am having trouble posting Pics.  I will try to add them separately, if not I may add them to the gallery!
MAIN SYSTEM:Carver TFM-55, Carver C-16, Carver S/DA-490t, Carver TD-1770, BSR-EQ3000, Philips AF-677, Auvio HD Radio Tuner, Polk SDA-1C's
Man Cave: HR-772, Technics SL-P220, Polk Monitor 12 Series 2
Bedroom: Cheap ass Teac Receiver, Klipsch Heresy II's
Porch: Kenwood KR-820 Receiver, Optimus STS 100


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Re: New Vintage Philips TT!!
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2011, 10:07:03 PM »
Lucky man - does it have a built-in tracking force meter like the 877? Nice table - i gave up my 877 for a Dual cs-5000.  Still miss that built in meter (which was surprisingly accurate on mine, coared to a Shure balance).


Offline Falcon

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Re: New Vintage Philips TT!!
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2011, 11:28:03 PM »
Nice score!!!    I love the old Philips gear.    Let us know how the Yamaha sounds also, that is another cool table.


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Re: New Vintage Philips TT!!
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2011, 12:21:10 AM »
Where do you live?

I'm watching YOUR Craigslist.

Congratulations on the epic gain! Let us know how that Yammie turns out!  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Kingman

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Re: New Vintage Philips TT!!
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2011, 08:16:04 AM »
Congrats on the "SUPER SNAG".   8)   8)   8)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 08:18:03 AM by Kingman »

Offline icravcarver

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Re: New Vintage Philips TT!!
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2011, 01:08:33 PM »
Yes, it does have the buit in force gauge.  Pretty cool.  I am having trouble uploading my pictures.  They are under the 256kb size, but it keeps telling me the upload folder is full????

I see if I can figure it out. 

As far as the Yamaha - it may be beyond my expertise.  The tonearm lift was warped - apparently this unit had seen some direct sunlight or extreme heat.  So in my trying to re-heat and apply some slight pressure to un-warp - I believe I goobered it up more than it already was.  Also, the platter appears to be rubbing on one side of the floating chassis.  I plan on bringing it down to T when I venture to my PA office sometime this month.  I let T give it a look see and see what his thoughts are.  It may end up going for a parts unit.  Tonearm mechanism, including the little hanging counterweight is intact.  (Other than the boogered up tone arm lift platform.)

Thanks for all your kind words!
MAIN SYSTEM:Carver TFM-55, Carver C-16, Carver S/DA-490t, Carver TD-1770, BSR-EQ3000, Philips AF-677, Auvio HD Radio Tuner, Polk SDA-1C's
Man Cave: HR-772, Technics SL-P220, Polk Monitor 12 Series 2
Bedroom: Cheap ass Teac Receiver, Klipsch Heresy II's
Porch: Kenwood KR-820 Receiver, Optimus STS 100

Offline icravcarver

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Re: New Vintage Philips TT!!
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2011, 01:21:16 PM »
Okay, I've added an album to the Media section of the forum.  You can check out the pics there!
MAIN SYSTEM:Carver TFM-55, Carver C-16, Carver S/DA-490t, Carver TD-1770, BSR-EQ3000, Philips AF-677, Auvio HD Radio Tuner, Polk SDA-1C's
Man Cave: HR-772, Technics SL-P220, Polk Monitor 12 Series 2
Bedroom: Cheap ass Teac Receiver, Klipsch Heresy II's
Porch: Kenwood KR-820 Receiver, Optimus STS 100

Offline icravcarver

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Re: New Vintage Philips TT!!
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2011, 09:32:30 PM »
Well,  I finally went and mounted my Ortofon Super OM-10 to the Philips unit.  WOW!! ;D ;D  Sounds better than my Dual ever did.  Also, the table is more stable than my Dual.   Much better platter isolation, which means I can crank it louder and not worry about the vibration as much as before.

All in all, I have found a replacement table for now.  (Until my wife starts her full time job this fall - whoo whoo!  Hello audio budget!! :P :P)

Been spinning a lot of vinyl the last few weeks.

MAIN SYSTEM:Carver TFM-55, Carver C-16, Carver S/DA-490t, Carver TD-1770, BSR-EQ3000, Philips AF-677, Auvio HD Radio Tuner, Polk SDA-1C's
Man Cave: HR-772, Technics SL-P220, Polk Monitor 12 Series 2
Bedroom: Cheap ass Teac Receiver, Klipsch Heresy II's
Porch: Kenwood KR-820 Receiver, Optimus STS 100