Author Topic: Suggestions for a component CD player, Pre-Amp (if necessary), and Line Condit.  (Read 8437 times)

Offline Slim-Shaddy

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As far as a cd player, I like the idea of buying a DAC and using the PS3. I have a Oppo 83 and it sounds great + it plays sacd. My dad the jolida everyone is recommending and I like it too. I've never compared them side by side, so I can't tell you which sounds better, but the jolida is much quicker to read the cd.
As far as a line conditioner... I would only worry about it if you have known electrical issues in the house. Are you getting any noise through your system? At one point I was getting a bunch of noise through an amp on my basement system. I through in a line conditioner and the problem was fixed.
As far as a preamp, I personally would go for it. The preamp is the most important piece of gear in your system... and by that I mean it will affect your sound more than anything other than speakers. I've had experience running several receivers as preamps (most similar to yours would be a NAD T-763) and the system always sounded better once I replaced the receiver with a similar value pre. I'm not sure what your price range is, but something like this Outlaw ( would be a nice start. Others to look into are B&K, NAD, Anthem, and Rotel.
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.


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Agree - preamps and receivers-as-preamps are not the same thing,  preamps bring soundstage, noise floor improvements etc. (assuming you get a good one), a receiver as pre is good way to improve power output if your receiver is weak,  but sound will probably remain the same otherwise. 

It is also a pain in the rear to try to get a home theater optimized for two-channel music.  I gave up on that and went with two separate systems.  Saves you money in that you will stop searching (meaning spending cash) for ways to make a home theater rig do stereo-system tricks,  a never-ending mission, IMO.



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Consider having an electrician run a dedicated circut or more to your system and amp(s).  Cheaper than a good conditioner and made a difference in my system (2 ch and Theater).  Try running your CD player/DAC direct to the amp if the player has a volume control, even if just to hear how it sounds.  In my 2 channel system the difference with out the premap, vs with it was noticible (and I have a very nice preamp).  I cannot live permanently with out the pre, but at least you'll know how good the CD player can sound.
Mac stuff, Sony HDR-F1HD AM/FM/HD tuner, Denon DRS 810 cassette, Denon CDR-W1500 CD recorder, Music Hall MMF-9 w/B&O MMC2, B & O 4002 w/B & O 20 CL, Revox A-77