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This is the error I am getting in chrome when...

<< < (2/2)

Ah I noticed this bug a while ago, but there was no fix.
 Seems like a solution is available now so I'll try patching it in a few days.

It's not you, Pepe. It's AJAX.

The fix is indeed out there Al. :)

I'm using Chrome, and no problem.  Actually, it is "kinda" Chrome(SRWare Iron), but all of the extensions and add-ons are pure Chrome. Must be in there somewhere, but have no idea of what all I've added to the basic browser. I'm sure that helps a bunch!


--- Quote from: Planarguy on July 19, 2011, 01:34:56 AM ---I'm using Chrome, and no problem.  Actually, it is "kinda" Chrome(SRWare Iron), but all of the extensions and add-ons are pure Chrome. Must be in there somewhere, but have no idea of what all I've added to the basic browser. I'm sure that helps a bunch!

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the info. I applied the patch a while ago; its good to know it resolved the issue. :D


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