« on: May 17, 2011, 07:36:34 PM »
Thinking of selling my 2 st70s and 2 st35s and 2 PASes one modded one mostly Original- these are all running and work well.... all gone over and checked by Don at Phils....any interest? Ed

MMF-5 TT, DP-45 TT, Carver490T, Quicksilver Mono 60s, C5, Luxman R-1120, 2 Sony cd Jukeboxes, TX-11b, Mac MC2300, Aerial acoustic 8b, ML Vista, MVP-871, Dynaco St-35, Pas3, Mac C31v,Thiel CS-3.5, , Yamaha SS amps(2), 10" Klipsch - 8" JBL SWs, Advent 6003,LAdvents (4), Akai 285D R-R