Author Topic: JBL 066 tweeter for L166  (Read 13076 times)

Offline Slim-Shaddy

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JBL 066 tweeter for L166
« on: January 28, 2010, 12:22:19 PM »
I picked up a pair of l116s from Tom yesterday and one of the tweets are bad. I thought I had it working, but as it turns out I was just losing my mind. The speakers sound great outside of the bad tweeter. I know it's a shot in the dark, but do any of you have a 066 replacement?
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.

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Re: JBL 066 tweeter for L166
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2010, 12:50:18 PM »
Ok.... Not going crazy it did it again.........
What does it mean when a tweeter plays barely audible, but when you throw power at it it kind of "pops" back up to the loudness it should be?
Also, it's not the crossover or L-pad. This happens while running directly from the amp.
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.

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Re: JBL 066 tweeter for L166
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 11:38:12 AM »
New problem... One of the 122a woofers' voicecoils is getting a little too into the music. He's bumpin' and grindin. Anyway... it's not terrible. I can push and pull the woofer with no rubbing, but certain bass notes cause it to grind. Is this something that can be fixed easily or will I need a whole new re-cone? If it's a pain in the ass I'll just buy a replacement.
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.

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Re: JBL 066 tweeter for L166
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 11:54:59 AM »
Those woofers were re-foamed by JBL. They may not have centered the VC proper. I can re-foam it again and do it proper.  JBL woofers are a bit tricky sometimes.
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Re: JBL 066 tweeter for L166
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 11:56:40 AM »
Ok...I really hope that's what's going on with them. Those woofers aren't cheap, and recone jobs are even more expensive
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.

Offline Slim-Shaddy

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Re: JBL 066 tweeter for L166
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2010, 12:01:50 PM »
That's exactly what it is. I pushed at the surround all along the circumference and it rubbed at the top and left, and had free play at the bottom.
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.


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Re: JBL 066 tweeter for L166
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2010, 01:48:42 PM »
Try flipping it in the cabinet, gravity may be enough to stop the rub until Tom can re-foam it.

WRT the tweeter, you say you've got it connected directly to an amp !!??  Full range !!??
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Re: JBL 066 tweeter for L166
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2010, 02:06:25 PM »
I just had it connected for a second at low volume until it kicked on. Bear in mind I thought it was bad... As for the woofer, I already have it out and devoid of foam.
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.