Thanks guys! The Marantz 4230 receiver I bought from Coz and plan to install in the family room when I find the right speakers (SAF issues there) so I have it here in the office listening room for now. I was hoping to set it up as a quadraphonic vintage config, but discovered it lacks teh SQ-1 decoder

. The Sangeand HD tuner is the same one Tom has at the store and was sold to me by a fellow forum member at a very special price (thanks - forgot your handle but really appreciate the sale!) - it is my fav tuner of all time, not getting rid of it any time soon. The RackRider EQ sits between the TGP pre (used in stereo mode, looks cool w 300 x2, sounds great, will someday be replaced by the Sunfire Vaccum Pre) and the 300x2 using XLR connections - please do not judge me - it is a blessing to the overall sound and very quiet. Falcon's CD-80 is my default CD player par excellence, while the Sony DVD player allows me to play my three (3 - count 'em) SACDs - I installed it after F1Nut posted how well SACDs sound (they do sound good). The Denon DP-45 was another Coz buy - it replaced my Dual CS-5000 - love that table and the unidentifiable Shure cart it came with. The Martin Logan Sequel IIs are ridiculously tall/large for the size of my room, but they sound so good to me I just don't care. Nick or one of you will some day find smaller monitors to trade me for them. The wife has no issues with what II put in this room as it is my cave.