Last week my father turned 91. I noticed, when I walked through the family room, that he has a habit of listening to am & fm radio stations on occasion. He does this on his relatively new Sony HT set up he got free with his TV. Now mind you he is 91 and a retired Air Fore Colonel. I can bend 1/4 inch plate steel with my teeth easier than I can change his mind.

A couple years ago i got him the Shuguang tube amp that I mentioned was ok, but not a real sweet spot set up.
Anyway, I got him this for his 91st Birthday:

Holy crap does it sound nice hooked up to that Shuguang tube amp.. We dialed in FM radio stations I haven't heard in years and finally settled on a local Fredericksburg country channel. Neither of us are big country fans, but the music sounded unbelievably nice. We couldn't believe how nice it sounded. We listened to it for about 3 hours that nice just sitting and grinning. I still have to sort out an AM antennea, seems we have long discarded any we had in the house.
That tube sweet spot we've been looking for is there with that tuner, go figure
Now i have to find one for me.