Author Topic: Wanted to buy  (Read 3328 times)

Offline Dr. Whett N. Wylde

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Wanted to buy
« on: January 23, 2012, 12:52:58 PM »
Greetings, y'all.

I'm building a roll-my-own preamp of sorts and looking for a decent chassis to house it.

If you have an old Dynaco PAT-4 gathering dust and you haven't had the heart to pitch it, rest assured I can give it a good home.  I don't care if it's working or not since I'm going to gut it....all I want is the case, and possibly the source selector switch.

Post a picture and a price, and I will make an offer if I'm interested.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Listening!



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Re: Wanted to buy
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 12:01:40 AM »
If I wasn't using my Pat-4 as a test pre-amp I might offer it to you.
I once built a tube preamp in a Eico integrated tube amp chassis I later stripped and threw out.
Little did I know that it was that well k known sleeper.

But I found it ugly.

So I junked my home brew pre-amp and replaced it with a Audio Research SP6 that I heavily modifed and still use it today.