Hi Kingman! Here's my take.
The new store does not lend itself to easily testing equipment from the pedestal bench: trying to melt amps by hooking up multiple speakers in parallel or testing the SPL limits of a pait of speakers during geek meetings. The extra space has been consumed by stacks of even more equipment. The room where the Bob amps are is nice, and Tom changes it out often (al least the speakers). [Wish he would rotate some of the other vintage stuff into that room, like he did at the old store, but that would be bitchy of me to write here. Oops] We no longer get visits by other tenants asking to turn the volume down, that was always fun - ("I am sorry, I am demonstrating this pice of equipment for this gentleman who is going to buy it...

So I want to offer a constructive solution to make space at the store: GMI. Yes, geek managed inventory. Move the excessive hardware to geek members' homes. We in turn promise to keek the electronics warm and tested in case Tom needs to sell it.