I was going to sell the RT-707 before we met Saturday. Now I have seen the light. I can borrow good recordings from Papabearjew, Rev, Tom, Carl and make copies with two decks. So I killed the auction and am keeping the 707. Will look for a Russound switcher on ebay, but for now I will use the built in switcher in Rev's ex-C19 (I bought it, it is mine mine mine!) which has a nice set of loops with a decent switcher built in.
I will leave the Parasound 2100 curbside Tuesday evening for the trash to pick up. Ok, that would be extreme and I need to refill my Paypal account, but that makes three things I have purchased from Audio Advisor that were not worth keeping

Glad to hear the Tandberg turned out good. Mamabearjew is priceless for letting you keep all those decks.