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17" woofer surrounds?

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So, I've scoured the net and I can't seem to find 17" foam surrounds. Any recommendations? Could I use an 18" surround and just trim it, or is that just plain stupid?

what are the drivers?

You can't trim 18" to meet 17"....

You can resized foam surrounds.  My 7" ADS woofers surrounds are resized 8 inch surrounds.
A simple butt join. need some special liquid to create this butt joint bond. 
Steve (the guy that used to advertize on CL) did this. Unfortunately he hasnt been on CL for a long
time.  I bought the speakers from him a few years ago and he assured me the bond was strong and
would hold up just as long as the surrounds.  So far hes issues at all.  I'm sure Tom would have some insight into this.  I tried googling for this glue/liquid/process and turned up zilch. Sorry.

Found a site where you can custom order odd sizes.

Steve (from Decware. Not the CL Steve above) refoamed by Fourier Speakers back in the early 90s. 

I have his Single Ended Triod tube amp (flea powered amp but sounds great with the right speakers).


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