Ahhh yes Boswell pipes. Like the American Smoking pipe Company, Boswell makes a good made in the USA pipe. Like Tinsky, he makes lots of pipe so the average smoker has a chance to buy and smoke a good pipe.
The average price for a good hand made briar pipe can range from $250 to $500 bucks.
Boswell made sure he priced his pipes under $100 bucks so the everyday smoker could afford to buy them. That's good for the smoker not so good for the collector...
If you were ever thinking about trying pipe smoking that would be a great pipe to smoke.
If you were ever thinking of becoming a pipe smoker you can
N only smoke a pipe once a day. So if you wanted to have 5 smokes a day you'd need at least 5 pipes.it doesn't take too long to get to 35 pipes in your collection