Author Topic: Budget preamp - should I be looking any further than an Emotiva USP-1?  (Read 5763 times)


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I have a partially restored Marantz 3200 preamp. It has a higher noise floor than I'd like. The noise is volume control dependent up to about 10 o'clock and then it levels out.

AM thinking about buying a budget, solid state, current production preamp. Or a good used one less than 10 years old. Should I be considering any thing else besides the new $382 Emotiva USP-1?

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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One man's "budget"... :o


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@SD - the Onkyo is not quite in the same price range.   ;D


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You can get an Onkyo Integra P-304 on ePay for around 150-ish. They have stellar specs and a pretty damn good phono section.

And they do very well with cans.

Offline Slim-Shaddy

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I've got an onk p-308 that's a bit less than mint for $125 if interested...
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.


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That's a great price for that, Ed. If Scott isn't interested, I may be.


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Thanks Ed, but I'll pass on the P-308.  Looking for something that is <10 years old.......or a real classic piece that has been refurbished.

Offline Slim-Shaddy

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@Scott: That's cool. I just figured I would throw it out there. The 308 is a piece of work. It's definitely one of the best sounding preamps I have ever owned. Chock full of electrolytics. It's just collecting dust as a back-up right now, though.

@Elijah: If you are just looking to upgrade your 304, you could trade me your Pre and a case of 60 minute. So as to avoid hijacking this thread any more, PM or Facebook me.
I am confident that an SL-1200 is capable of outperforming turntables of much higher expense with minor modification.


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This Marantz 3200 preamp is driving a 5 watt tube amp a buddy built one off.

Switched to a pair of 600 ohm Beyer cans today and the buzz and hum I was hearing with some 50 ohm Fostex's disappeared.  The old adage holds true...........


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Re: Budget preamp - should I be looking any further than an Emotiva USP-1?
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2012, 01:04:37 PM »
I scored an Aragon 28K MkII today that looks very nice and is well thought of in web nets.  For $300 I found it hard to pass up (even has a remote).  It is one of those high-endish preamps that scoffs at the idea of tone controls (which I personally find useful, even if they allegedly add noise - so shoot me).  Will post a report later.  I have to post a report on the Black Beauty Bob amps w the KT-88 tubes, on this Aragon pre, the Rega RP1 w performance pack, and the Reference MM 3as.   And the Jolida JRC1501 hybrid.  And the Sennheiser HD 265s.  Just writing this paragraph made me tired!   Stay tuned.

Get the USP-1 and report back!  All I hear is good,  and for the price you cannot go wrong!


Offline mbskeam

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Re: Budget preamp - should I be looking any further than an Emotiva USP-1?
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2012, 11:44:19 PM »
what tubes in the BB'S?

life is like flowers hanging from RaZer wire


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Re: Budget preamp - should I be looking any further than an Emotiva USP-1?
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2012, 02:27:11 PM »
The BBs normally come with six KT-120s each, but Tom recommended I use six KT-88s for my application.  A bit less power (240 wpc I think) but sweeter sound,  according to my dealer.  All I can tell you is that they sound pretty damn good and I am not hurting for power! 
