Author Topic: F1 Drive to Survive  (Read 9380 times)

Offline scorpio333

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F1 Drive to Survive
« on: March 14, 2019, 11:25:08 AM »
Been watching this on Netflix. A little too much drama and not enough car sounds, but other than that it is very well produced and it's in ATMOS.

I grew up loving NASCAR, but in the last 15 years or so they've completely screwed it up and ruined the experience. I liked the 'if you're not cheating, you're not trying', 'rubbing is racing', fights, all that redneck stuff. I rarely ever watch it anymore, it's turned to the garbage everyone always told me it was. I always viewed open wheel racing as the rich man's sport, overly complicated, too much computer integration, etc... This weekend is the start of the new season so I'm going to set the DVR and see where it goes.

One thing tv can't do is supply the aroma of the track, the sound and the speed...just noticed the US Grand Prix falls on my bday this year...perhaps a trip to Austin to catch it live is on my list.