A/C power management, including switching, can be a pain. McIntosh and maybe other companies used to make a power strip (MAC was an R-612). Six outlets rated at 15 amps that plugged into the wall with a beefy power cord. On the opposite end of the strip is a second power cord that plugs into a switched outlet on an amp or receiver. When the amp is turned on, a small a/c signal from the switched outlet passes to the power strip activating it. Anything plugged into the strip comes on when the switched outlet is on. Audio Classics has one listed for just over $100.
Belkin makes a power strip with a current sensing outlet. Plug an amp or preamp into the current sensing outlet and when the amp is turned on, the rest of the strip is activated. It's about $30 at home centers, K-mart, etc.
Both my analog audio rig and home theater have about a dozen a/c plugs to manage. I am using both of these devices with excellent results at relatively low cost. I do have to note, my amplifiers are currently activated via 12v triggers, so the gear plugged into the power strips draws less current than the amps do. However, before the 12v triggers, I did use these devices to switch the amps