Audio Discussion > Tweaks

Sunfire True Sub - Help Fixing Auto On

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--- Quote from: OldiesButGoodies on September 24, 2012, 10:04:59 AM ---OMG,  did Huff just say what he wrote?  The pope may excommunicate him!

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All I know is if I did not already have two Sunfire True Subs, I would own a JL Fathom.  Tom had one in his shop and it kicked @ss!

I remember that sub - went to the Carver boys in FL in exchange for a - maybe a Sunfire Tube Pre?  It was amazing what it could do - I remember listening to Laurie Mayer's Black Lining on it.  Incredibly solid bass. 

Maybe some day when I grow up I will get one.  For now I just want to get the Sunfire to wake up when I need it to.

Maybe it just needs to be kicked in the right place ;)
Or maybe a percussive re-alignment.


--- Quote from: thuffman03 on September 24, 2012, 09:35:30 AM ---Get rid of the POS sub and get a real sub.  Like a JL Fathom.   :laugh:

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...Tom's right in one respect...the Sunfires shake themselves to death. Currently have 4 and all but 1 are in need of service or will need it soon. Got a plate amp at VHF right now. The Fathom is a little pricy though. I heard the Epic subs do a great job at a reasonable price but that's just cross talk on the forums.

Anders and I know what the problem is... 8)


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