General Banter > Car Talk

process streamlining

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toyota Priuses get acces to the HOV lane without extra passengers.  The Buick Lesabre and Lucerne should get automatic disabled parking acces ,  IMO.  It is as simple as if-then.

Hmm, never knew that...who said? 

Priuses used to get special treatment in California's HOV lane (but this stopped on 7/11, they are considering reopening it for plug-in Priuses):

The other comment was an observation based on my yard sale driving yesterday.  Every disabled parking at the strip malls I visited an at South Hills mall was occupied by a Buick Lucern or Lesabre, usually dark blue (I think I noticed this on five spots). I found it kind of funny, must have been a coincidence. 



Doesn't Dave drive a Buick? :P

Well something is backward, cuz I have a handicap placard, and when I'm in the car it gets parked in handicap spaces. 


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