Author Topic: New Year  (Read 11502 times)

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Re: New Year
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2010, 08:12:11 PM »
Hello all,

Hope everyone had a great holiday season. 

Mine was pretty good, picked up a Roberts 720 tapedeck and committed to buying a pl400, and looking into another fisher 500c, sold my last to a buddy to drive the belle klipsch (also originally mine).  Gave away an old set of empires with the marble tops and a little sony subwoofer that was collecting dust.

Spent a ton of hours listening to my akai tube amps, trying multiple speakers (Burhoe blue, Heybrook vintage hb3, genesis (burhoe, not white van, KG4 klipsch).  Amazing to me, all these speakers will produce 80 to 90 db avearage level at my seat in a small room.  Still want to try my Polk ls70 and BIC soundspan speakers.

I have all been a monster amp guy PL, Carver, Integra, etc, and never thought I would enjoy 5-6 watt so much.

Hope to see everyone at the next meeting, and I will bring those amps for all to hear.


-Still Smoking!-