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Crown amp buzzing at start-up

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One of my D 150a Crowns did the same. I took it to the shop and Anders fixed it. You would have to talk to him to see what he did. Did not cost tree fiddy to repair it!

Funny SD.
F1, yes, I tried everything to narrow it down to being the right channel of the amp.
Randy, thanks. If I can ever get away to the shop again, I will ask Anders what he did to fix your amp.

Take the buzzer out and it will go away. >:D


--- Quote from: OCCD on February 15, 2013, 02:38:07 PM ---Take the buzzer out and it will go away. >:D

--- End quote ---

Yuk yuk yuk  ::)

ohhh you want some advice ?
Plant your corn early  >:D


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