Repair / Help Forum > Repair / Help
Do you guys work on PA amps?
If it's after hours then I would email the shop. The forum and shop are two separate entities.
To answer your question, yes, they can repair pro gear.
Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
I promise that I didn't intend some sort of breach of etiquette. I just figured this was their board and they would answer the question. Sorry.
No sweat Mark. just pulling your leg.
Tom doesn't watch the forum boards much.
He's more active on the Shout box.
Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
I'll see him one day next week to pick up the speaker that Pepe left for me. I guess I'll bring the amp just in case.
Toms out of town for the next week.
The shop will be running on a limited schedule.
Call before you stop by.
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