Sounds like you've found a good one, Nomad.
(Couldn't find the edit post button...)
One buddy almost died many years ago, when a left turning car pulled in front of him and stopped. Buddy shattered pelvis and had to be life flighted -- almost bled out. Many months to relearn how to walk. (His Soon-to-be-Ex-)Wife made him sell his 2 bikes. One was a tricked out Volusia he converted to a suicide clutch. At bike nights, harley guys would be arguing what generation/year bike it was -- "knowing" it's a "hog". He'd say, "Oh, it's a 2000," and point to its radiator.

Other buddy is a lady who's never ridden. Post Cleveland, studied, got permit, registered and passed safety course, bought ninja, before Phil or I got any of our bikes. Coolness.
Ride safe!
Here in Taipei, I love seeing women riders carrying their boyfriends. Maybe I'll find one back in PA. *** hands in prayer *** "Dear Motorcycle Gods,..."