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Advent Legacy Woofer Polarity Question

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So I purchased a set of Advent Legacies off of a redneck up here near IUP. When he refoamed the woofer, he applied Elmer's wood glue to the surface of the woofer a la AR / KLH in the early 60's. I spent quite a few hours with tweezers and a scalpel removing all of the wood glue.

I marked the terminals so that I wouldn't confuse them when putting the speakers back together, however, since the guy who owned them previously was in there, I'm basing the polarity off of his handiwork.

There are no markings on the woofer itself other than a pink dot on the basket near the terminal mounts.

Does anyone happen to know which terminal is which?

I could be wrong but I thought the terminal closest to the dot is the positive terminal.

Do the battery test. If the woofer pushes out, whichever terminal is connected to the battery + is positive.

Unfortunately all I've got here are a 12V car battery and 1.5V AAA batteries. Maybe I'll tape up 6 AAA's in parallel to generate 9V for the test.


Yeah Rev, I'm thinking the pink dot is + as well.

I have the same understanding as Ry


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