ah, the triggering. we don't have the quality or quantity of microphones to record the drums, so we had our drummer program exactly what he plays into software called Superior Drummer (which has 24-bit, 96k samples). from there, we altered each drum specifically to sound as close to his kit as possible. obviously, it still sounds better than the real drums because the samples come from VERY expensive kits recorded with VERY expensive microphones in VERY expensive studios. Anyway, after the drum stuff was all programmed, we recorded the guitar and bass just straight up. There was no quantizing, or pitch correction (which we take pride in, since everyone feels so obligated to constantly use it).
recording the bass was kind of heart-breaking though. it sounds great on my carver ribbons, of course, but we had to EQ the second harmonic to be a little louder so it will come through crappier systems that can't hit 30Hz (the lowest fundamental frequency that my bass puts out based on the tuning it's in).