General Banter > The Smoking Section

Identifying a pipe

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I inherited a pipe that my father-in-law had bought but never used several years ago.  It is in a box that says J.M. Boswell's Handmade Pipes.  There is no identifying labeling on the pipe except on the bowl is engraved Italy.  My father-in-law was not known to be cheap so I suspect it may be a decent pipe.  Any thoughts?  I can take a picture and try to post it here if that helps

When I come over to pick up the RCA cleaners we should pack that bowl with some "mother nature" >:D

Brad, I talk a big story  O0  but I am harmless LOL!  I haven't had a bowl since before Steven was alive LOL!

Italy? I think Boswell is alive and well and still making pipes in Franklin County, PA.

My mom's father was a DEVOUT piper. He would comb the grounds of historical sites looking for porcelain pipes. He had quite the collection as well.

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:

--- Quote from: schwarcw on August 20, 2013, 11:41:44 PM ---When I come over to pick up the RCA cleaners we should pack that bowl with some "mother nature" >:D

--- End quote ---

They say that's great for alleviating the side effects of chemo.   I have no issue with him using a pipe in that way, but I'm not a cop.


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