PBJ-the Niles website is:
www.nilesaudio.com. Prices are not provided, but there is a toll free number to call.
I find A/C power management to be one of the biggest pains in this hobby. Between having enough outlets, hum, and auto turn on requirements, I have cords and black boxes everywhere. MAC made a power relay (model R-612), that works with switched outlets on receivers and pre-amps. Its a 6 outlet power strip with an A/C plug that goes into the receiver or pre- amps switched outlet and a second very heavy duty A/C plug that goes into the wall outlet. When the receiver is turned on, the switched outlet triggers a relay in the R-612 that turn s on the power strip. It can handle 15 amps.
Another option is a Belkin power strip. It has always on outlets, a current sensing outlet and more outlets turned on by the current sensing outlet. When a Receiver or pre is plugged into the current sensing outlet and turned on, it will cause the controlled outlets to automatically turn on. It's relatively cheap at around $30 and can be found in discount stores home centers and Amazon and the like.