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slow VU meters on Sony STR-V6

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BJ knows how to do all that.  If he has time I'm sure he'll help me.  He even gives me a family discount

Wow, thanks for the input, so in regards to the statments and questions raised hopefully i can clear up a few points.

1. The L/R meters are labeled "watts @ 8 ohms", the scale is 0,.03,.1, 1, 3, 10, 30 100, and 200 (which is funny because the amp is only rated to 115w)

 the right meter is also labeled "signal" (kinda cool, it doubles as a FM signal strength indicator)

2. there is a power switch on the far right labeled "Meter (above), Power/signal"(below).
 When this is pressed the left meter switches off and the right meter's primary function is signal strength. When wdve is dialed in (strongest station i can get) the meter moves into the 3 position (the scale being 1-5)

3. with the speaker selector switch in the off position, i turn the volume all the way up and still get very little movement,  .03 to be exact.

can these be out of calibration?
perhaps just stiff ?
maybe stretched out ?
i know im reaching but i just want to see them dance before i sell it..

Thanks again for the great responses and all of your assistance.

Are the speakers playing when the volume is all the way up?  I assume there is an input signal of some sort.  Some meters may not show power levels if there is no draw on the amp, even with the volume up (if the speakers are playing at full tilt, your ears must be bleeding:)

What happens with headphones?

Even a 115w amp can have peaks well past the rating, especially on very dynamic sources. 200w peaks are possible, but they should be brief.

If the right channel meter works as a signal strength indicator, it seems it should be OK.

The speakers are playing extremely well with the volume in the 1.5 to 3 mark on the dial. (proper listening levels, not blaring)
as far as input, Tuner, Aux, and record have all been tested successfully.
just tried my headphones, same deal, even tried headphones + speakers.
tried both A and B speaker inputs, but not combined.. yet...
with the speakers in the off position there is the same amount of movement as with them hooked up.
i am not registering past 10 watts, but i assure you.. it has exceeded that..
these pesky meters... i checked the circuit, all looks well, tapped, poked, prodded, you know, all the real scientific stuff.
perhaps its time to hook up the Jubal's... they can take the beating better than the Canton's..
let the experimentation continue.
any further thoughts and or suggestions would be great

thanks all


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