Quick meeting to listen to the Infinity RS1bs. Bottom line:
- They sound like monkey ass on the bass side without the proper crossover
- They probably need more power than the PS Audio Delta 100's 200w at 4 ohms can muster for the bass
- The hum generated by the Grado cart combined with the Regar table is impressive
- There is some debate about how cool/uncool the oak finish looks in 2013
So I ordered a refurb Infinity crossover (that helps the bass - allegedly) and it should be here Thursday. The passive crossovers need recap because the poly caps have the words "Mexico" stenciled on them ( no other scientific reason offered by Tom).
Rev brought kick ass River Current cables that at least helped the whole thing look cooler.
I still believe the C-19 pre is not up to par but get kicked in the balls when I insinuate that.
Mark, Ed, Big Tom, Carl et al who could not make it - hope to catch you on the next one.
The Archer revue was great. Al brought a SACD collection of Jazz at the Pawnshop.
Hell, Papabearjew made it to the meeting and shared good news about shrinking cancer tumors - that by itself was a huge success.
Captain Tape Deek