"A=432 Hz, known as Verdi’s ‘A’ is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe."
Mathematically consistent with the universe? What in the f&%k does that even mean?
After reading this entire article and investigating the web sites sourced within the article, it sounds like a bunch of sacred geometry mumbo jumbo. None of these claims about mind altering frequencies seem to be grounded in anything resembling verifiable science.
Bearjew - You may be overestimating Nazi technology. A few of the formulators of the Copenhagen interpretation and various early theories of quantum mechanics were German physicists, notably Heisenberg, Born, and Planck. Of course, Werner Von Braun and his colleagues made tremendous strides in aerospace engineering during that same era.
Due to material restrictions as the result of various nations placing Germany on embargo status, many of the German researchers were unable to obtain the raw materials required to advance their work. For example, "heavy water" was unavailable to German nuclear physicists, thus making the production of tritium impossible and leaving the Nazi A-Bomb project without an initiator material.
Actually, the Germans had some technological shortcomings during the war, including their inferior radar systems.
If you want to credit one individual as being responsible for a significant portion of the technology that we enjoy today, look toward Claude Shannon. His monumental work "The Mathematical Theory of Communication" laid the foundation for information theory, cryptography, digital computation, telephony, digital information transmission and storage, and many, many, many more advances that have come to fruition.