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Auto reverse tape deck
I just picked up a pretty nice auto-reverse double cassette deck (Teac W990-RX), and it sounds much better playing in the "reverse" direction than normal play. Why is that? Is it something that can be corrected?
Hi Sparky. Pretty typical of auto reverse decks though it is normally the opposite. Head alignment and azimuth are hard to keep perfect in both directions
mamacita, you bought a double decker WITH auto reverse and you want the azimuth to be perfect in both directions? get the manual for the 990RX from hifiengine, it is similar. adjust the FWD azimuth by ear (I can record a ref 10khz tone like the manual says but your ear will do fine - I suspect Anders uses his ears 90% of the time ;D). See pic attached.
You suspect correctly but my ears have alot of experience.
Ok, cool. Hopefully there is a way to get the drawer off but still play the tape. I assume the adjustment is done while a tape is playing?
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