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Auto reverse tape deck

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Definitely - yes.  The head has to be aligned with the direction the tape plays.    In a really bad azimuth you can see that the head is out of alignment by eye,  but the true final adj has to done with a tape in. 

pull off front of cassette door then there should be a hole for adjusting the head.
rotating heads are the worst design i've seen.

When my head is misaligned I either go to the chiropractor or the urologist.

So, is it worth diving into? The deck demands a decent amount on epay. I could sell it as is and get something else. I like it, but if it's going to be a huge headache, I'll get rid of it. There's no point in having an auto reverse deck if it only sounds good in one direction.

It seems if the head rotates, there should be a way to get it adjusted to end up tracking close to the same each way.  If it holds over time and use is another matter.  I suggest a drop of nail polish on the adjustment screw once you get it set where you want it.


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