General Banter > The Smoking Section

Anybody successfully quit nicotine?

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I've been a nicotine addict for nearly 25 years... going to give quitting 'the old college try' here starting next week. 

Anybody successfully quit 'round here that was a long time user?  Tips, suggestions, etc, welcome!

Can't really help other than to tell you research shows that when you do quit your lungs will improve. I smoked during college but quit when I got married in 1977. It's a good thing to as I'm in my 3rd round of cancer with it attacking my lungs this time. My doctors (oncologist, surgeon, radiologist) all said if I was a smoke things would be a lot worse. When I quit I just did it cold turkey. Good luck

Can't say that I have tried, but I guess I am not addicted since I only smoke Cigars which I can go days and have gone a few weeks without smoking.

Good luck with your quest.

Yep.  Was smoking 1.5 packs a day until December 24, 1991.  Quit cold turkey that day.  One of the best decisions I ever made.

Two months ago one of my best friends back in California suffered a heart attack on a Saturday morning.  He goes to the gym daily and is in excellent shape,  but smoked two cigars a day, sometimes three.  The docs were able to save him;  he lives close to a hospital. While inserting the catheter the cardiologist explained to him the statistics on people he does that procedure to and smoking.  He shared that info with me a couple of days later.  I have not touched a cigarette since.  An occasional cigar maybe - but ideally not.  Avoiding a heart attack is the best incentive I have found so far to stay away from the damn things.


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