Author Topic: Why do I run 3 Velodynes?  (Read 3951 times)

Offline GraphicFX

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Why do I run 3 Velodynes?
« on: February 04, 2014, 12:13:03 AM »
Because I can't afford 10.

A good sub is in my opinion, Necessary for all but the most esoteric of speakers. I, and I'm sure most of you use your sub for "warmth" My choice of subs has always been Velodyne. Back in the late 80's Velodyne and M&K were the only players worthy of my growing habit. I was hooked when I auditioned back in '89, the new F1200b. It is still my weapon of choice. They go deep and are very musical, and still continue to out spec all but the best of subs.

So why when a listening room measuring 13 x 10 do I choose 3 subs.


The amount of bass energy using 3 subs at VERY low volumes and crossover points is silent. Getting that much energy with one sub, again, in my humble yet opinionated opinion, sells itself out, for the dreaded lul or worse, that super positioning effect resulting in locating itself in the form of boom.

I must admit that these F1200's, by today's standards are slow as a brotha lookin' for a job, and lobor at the slightest hint of amplifier strain. They can't be played loud PERIOD.  But, with a claim of less then 1% linear distortion, at 20hz, Why even bother. All audible harmonics are eliminated by the servo accelerometer circuit. All you hear is the fundamental frequency. Cut them off at 40hz, and you hear all but the air being moved through you.

Those lucky enough to own these gems, know of their shortcomings. A tiny tradeoff for the polar opposite of an MRI, These beasts flip protons.

As memory serves me, In 1988, the 4 legged older brother retailed for about $1100, I should know, I bought one from Butches Sound Shack for I believe under $900. I never EVER regreted it.

Three of these gentle giants, running barely above idle is nothing short of "soothing" They are silent, and do nothing but add a gentle warm breeze to my music.

Again, My 2 cents,
Main system
Pre-amp: Adcom GTP-350
Main Amplification: Crown PS-400
Surround Amplification: Crown PS-400
Mains: Polk SDA-2B Studio
Rear fill: Polk RTA-12
Subs: (3) Velodyne F1200b


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Re: Why do I run 3 Velodynes?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2014, 03:16:46 AM »
In Soviet Russia, three Velodynes run you!