I can get the 103 Darbee edition or the 105 (also available with the Darbee processor). When you buy the Darblet processor separately that is 350 bucks. So this is a great deal . The processor has really good reviews overall - in intensifies/clarifies the HD experience w/o creating the soap opera effect (that I hate to no end). It has two HDMI inputs and outputs so you process two sources in addition to the disc as a source and take advantage of the Darbee.
The 105 is the flagship. Even higher end DACs, XLR outputs, high grade caps, bla bla bla. I think it is too much (more than double the cost of the 103D) but I may still get it. The sonic advantages would shine through on the music side of the system (I use the Oppos's analog outs to feed the C-19 for SACD). Come to think of it, yes - I will get the 105D. It has the USB input you mention to use it as a DAC as capable as any out there - up to 192K and SDS compatible, which is said to be the ultimate in HD sound.
It should be good for 5 years of movie watching.
Both come with three USB ports - I can have hundreds of 1080P movies on demand through a 3TB drive connected to the Oppo (the 983 does that already, to its credit).
Writing this post has been most useful. It is clear I will be $1300 poorer some time soon here.
