I was going to get the Polks and the Bryston and an Integra pre from you but you never got back to me after xmas

. I bought the Aragon amp from Frank instead (well, it will be mine when I pay him, maybe tonight) and I was able to get an interesting Souncraftsmen pre from Jim P (don't get all judgy on me, owning a Soundcraftsmen piece has always been in my bucket list, now it is done). The Polks would have been an interesting add to the ol home theater, but I assume you are not selling them any more since you never got back to me

The I like the most about this California Audio pre is the name. Right now I would not mind living in California. Net of that I am good with my Denon receiver for HT. This is a beautiful pre though, and I bet it sounds great in stereo as well. I hope you sell it fast.