I've had these in the closet long enough so I guess it's time to move them. I bought them new and they look good and work great. There is one water ring on one speaker but it's not very noticeable.
These are the version 1's. When I bought them they didn't have the port tubes installed and they didn't have feet so had to buy some from parts express and only found 4 inch tubes. Based on the consecutive serial numbers they are the version 1's which are the version everyone wants. You can bi amp or bi wire these. They sounded great on my Sunfire 600 x 2 when I bi wired them
I am looking for $700. I am in Fredericksburg Virginia and about 10 minutes off I 95 so it's pretty easy to get to my house. Local pick up only.
Best way to reach me is email tinpanatmedotcom