Sooo... you are definitely onto something here. If could only have done this a few years ago you could have saved me THOUSANDS of dollars.
Ok, well maybe not, but I went over to my father's house and found his Sansui SP-100's. Now granted, these things are old. He bought them at the PX in Brussels in around 1967. I remember listening to a 45 RPM album my parents gave me called the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour. He had an old Sansui receiver and the Elac Mirrachord I had refurbished last year.
So really, last night was probably the first time I heard those speakers since those days back in the 60's. I do remember how nice and warm that album sounded and it did lead me into swiping my brother's stash of Blind Faith and Cream albums and playing those too.
When STOL mentioned old speaker and paper cones and tube amps... well it was more than I could resist. I was hopeful maybe they would be cool 25 wpc 2 ways with all paper cones.

So, I took the grills off and low and behold, not a 2 way system but 3 way... still ok. The cones all tested out ok, the surrounds are tar covered cloth and still look brand new....maybe a good thing maybe not. We'll just have to see

I guess it's a crossover kind of, we have clear natural and soft.

The grills are a little beat up from being kicked around in the basement for let's see how many years is that?
My first test was with the denon av amp in the garage. As I expected it sounded sterile flat and dry. I hate that amp anyway but it did confirm all drivers working.
Next I hauled the speakers to the living room and broke out the 300b Homebrew tube amps. I tried the natural setting and they sounded like... well muffled and muddy. Next up was the soft setting, it sounded muddier and more muffled. I figured this wasn't going to end well.
Last up was the clear setting, much to my surprise, the highs all came back and a really nice rich full range started emanating from the speakers. Mind you, it doesn't have a lot of bass, but the highs were ok and a really nice midrange. Quite acceptable and very nostalgic considering the history on these speakers. They definitely are a nice under $100 dollar option for speakers if you have a spare tube amp. I think I will order those pristine grills in ebay for $17 dollars heck, I can't figure out how to post the video ...anyway. Lot's of fun