My friend Liz came to me and inquired about a system.
After discussing what she wanted in a sound system and her budget, I came up with the following. She collects albums, mostly 45's. She will also be playing straight from her laptop into the receiver. It'll be a massive upgrade over her little desktop PC speakers. I'm taking it over Tuesday evening. I can't wait to see her reaction!
Kenwood KR-V8070 receiver. This was given to me, so I am giving it to Liz. I had to post a photo (below) of the inside of this monster. I didn't believe what I saw when I took the cover off. It's 120 + 120 RMS in stereo. She won't be using it for HT, she's a two channel lass.

Pepe and I purchased a set of Technics 1200 MKII's from a guy a while back. As far as I knew, it needed new RCA terminals and a pop up lamp bulb. Upon disassembling the TT, I found the inside to be a filthy mess. The pitch fader had two zero points and was barely movable, the pop up lamp stopper was missing causing the pop up lamp wires to be severed, the pitch fader LED was inoperable, and there was a general conglomeration of dust bunnies and yinzer grime. I disassembled the unit and did all necessary repairs. The dust cover ain't pretty, but, I did hit it with Meguiars PlastX.
Lastly, I purchased a set of Nova 8's a while ago off of the semi-infamous "Kamran" out in Moon. One tweeter was blown and all caps were shot. A tweeter was acquired through bmwr75 (thanks, Scott!) and all caps were replaced with Dayton crossover caps. I won't go into details because there are a swell of Nova 8 restore / recap threads on AK and other sites. The end result is fantastic. If my dad didn't have a set (with original receipt) I would not be selling these.
Below are two links that show videos of the system and a picture of the Kenwood receiver sans top. Anyone wanna play name that tune?

Video 1: 2: Kenwood Receiver: