Audio Discussion > TUBES TUBES TUBES

Ignorant new user looking for a new habit

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--- Quote from: Mad Dog on August 22, 2014, 12:50:27 PM ---Is it feasible to salvage tube amplifier from organs?

--- End quote ---

Yes and no.

Some are as simple as swapping a few resistors here and there. Others require a complete overhaul to be used as a stand alone hi-fi amp. Of course, all degrees in between those two extremes exist.

FYI / FWIW: Some of the best sounding tube amps I've ever heard are bmwr75's Hammond 6L6 monoblocks.

Caveat emptor.

Mad Dog:
Doing a craigslist search a lot of vintage consoles come up. I did a Magnavox search, since that seems to be a common topic on here, and found a few. It appears most people don't know what they are selling. Can you tell if it's a tube amp from the pictures of the turntable and receiver without getting the model number?

Not completely.

Anything that says Astro-Sonic is solid state.

If it doesn't say Astro-Sonic and is one of the more "conservative" appearing designs, then it's most likely tube.

Another indicator is a stereo console with the presence of FM but no FM Stereo option. Typically those were the earlier consoles that came about after mono fell out of favor but before FM multiplexing was commonplace.

You can try to join the Magnavoxfriends Yahoo! group if that's your thing. There's good info there. Sometimes they take a while to approve new members. I also wouldn't go in there and announce the fact that you are going to chop up a Maggotbox console for the amp. A lot of those folks don't take very kindly to that sort of thing.  >:D

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
Or separete dials for tuning AM and FM.   Those come from the early 60s and are usually tubed.


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