Author Topic: Altec Lansing A7 Voice of the Theater speakers  (Read 20112 times)

Offline tinpan

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Re: Altec Lansing A7 Voice of the Theater speakers
« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2014, 10:22:15 AM »

Here's what mine looked like when I got them. I fashioned new boards on the front and added a black screen, which you can see in the top picture.

Finished A7 VOTTS typically go for around $1,200 plus of minus a couple hundred bucks depending on condition and new diaphragms.

The other direction you can go is to make the A5 VOTTS. You use the same bass bin and crossover but you find a pair of ALtec 288c drivers ( 8 Ohm) and 203, 803 or 1003 horns.

I used the 803 horn, the 8 tells you it's an 8 cell horn and the 3 tells you it's rated for 300Hz.203 is a 2 cell horn and 1003 is a 10 cell horn.
Plan on spending $400 to $600 for the pair of 288 drivers and $250 to $300 for each horn. The good news bad news on these costs is you have to spend that to get these parts unless you get lucky, the good news is you can get your money out of them later if you decide to sell them. Probably make a little if you hang onto the for a while.

I was really surprised at the 803/288 combination. I thought the sound was smoother and better balanced. The imaging was far superior to the 511b's. The 203's tend to through the sound forward so you need a long room to hear them. The 803 and the 1003 horns are just right.

This is what my living room looks like. The downside of the divorce...well there are many, but once it's over, there is a lot of upside.

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