Author Topic: KLH Model 24/Panasonic auto reverse reel 2 reel/ JVC auto reverse cassette  (Read 5460 times)

Offline MacGeek

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Basic HiFi gear posted today on CL.  PM for Forum pricing if you or someone you know might be interested.  JVC Auto reverse cassette  Panasonic R2R  KLH Model 24

Mac stuff, Sony HDR-F1HD AM/FM/HD tuner, Denon DRS 810 cassette, Denon CDR-W1500 CD recorder, Music Hall MMF-9 w/B&O MMC2, B & O 4002 w/B & O 20 CL, Revox A-77

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Just my opinion, but I think you have the 24 listed too low and the other two listed too high.   Not meant as criticism, just sincerely trying to be helpful.


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MacG - can use that JVC as a parts unit to get a three head deck going - please PM me price - >  thanks

Offline schwarcw

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OBG I admire your passion for analog tape and the hifi hobby in general.  Great fun!

Offline MacGeek

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OBG-nice Otari avatar.
Mac stuff, Sony HDR-F1HD AM/FM/HD tuner, Denon DRS 810 cassette, Denon CDR-W1500 CD recorder, Music Hall MMF-9 w/B&O MMC2, B & O 4002 w/B & O 20 CL, Revox A-77


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Guys -

Klaus was nice enough to send me a picture of the transport in the 441 and, unfortunately,  the part I need is different.  So the TDR-441 is available. Great deck with auto reverse for not too much mulla.   Klaus - thanks!

I will continue patiently waiting for the right parts deck to pop up for my deck.




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And Klaus -

Thanks for noticing my avatar.  The reels are moving and blurry on that MX-50;  Rev has trouble duplicating that effect on his Revox - he may have to use Adobe Photoshop.   ;D

(that is why he uses a GIF in his avatar)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 08:51:02 AM by OldiesButGoodies »

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The KLH is sold-to a young fellow getting into vinyl, who has yet to purchase his first LP.  He is familiar with Attic Records and so should get of to a good start.
Mac stuff, Sony HDR-F1HD AM/FM/HD tuner, Denon DRS 810 cassette, Denon CDR-W1500 CD recorder, Music Hall MMF-9 w/B&O MMC2, B & O 4002 w/B & O 20 CL, Revox A-77

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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A very nice starter system.   I'm sure he will have a blast.