Author Topic: Small project box...  (Read 6917 times)

Offline gdv

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Small project box...
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:33:53 PM »
Looking for a small box...  Guessing about the size of two cassette cases stacked...  Can be a little bigger, can be a little smaller (but not much)...

Looked at Parts Express & MCM & those are possibilities...  Any other thoughts?  Probably better plastic vs. metal as I will be mounting a tiny amp in it...  Need something economical as I plan to make 6 of these...  Making some presents for some kids (& maybe adults).  I'll post pics when I am done...

Thanks in advance...
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Re: Small project box...
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2015, 08:50:46 PM »
can't help you with plastic, but with metal, Hammond Manufacturing is probably exactly what you're looking for.  I was going to build a phono pre and put it in a hammond box, but I ended up getting a good deal on a high-end one instead.  Probably looking at 20-30 dollars a box, depending on size.  Maybe 50 for a big big one.

Offline gdv

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Re: Small project box...
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2015, 09:49:31 PM »
I am looking for something like this...

bearjew, is on the right track, but I am unable to spend $30 per box!   :P

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Offline ataudio

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Re: Small project box...
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2015, 08:42:22 PM »

Check out the Joann Fabrics or Michaels for small "tin" boxes .  They usually have removable tops but sometimes I see them with hinges.  They even have small wooden boxes and even really thick cardboard ones.  You could probably stuff a tiny T-amp
or something like that inside....or a headphone amp for sure.  If it is a HP amp you could always go the "Altoids" tin route. 

I did see a bunch of closeout tags at RadioShack last week....but i seemed to be late. Most of the project boxes were already sold out. 

Last minute thought....what about two Altoids tins glued back to back with the middle cut out??? 

Offline gdv

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