I'm on the fence. Spent a couple hours last night listening to them with the tube amp. The mids are muddled up. The highs seems to wander, sometimes nice and loud, then they back off. Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here was all over the place, some passages good, then others made me think someone stuffed the boxes with some demon dynamic volume nonsense. These speakers are a more laid back sound, not harsh at all or in your face. Very tall ceiling for being a low to the ground cabinet. However, compared to my Sansui SP1200's (and I know how people despise Sansui speakers) they lacked detail, perhaps 12w just ain't enough to drive them.
I decided to lug the heavy things upstairs to the living room, it's like carrying an old console stereo. Wife is out of town, so no WAF to interfere. Living room amp is a Kenwood 6600, lots more oomph than my tubes. I was using a set of Boston A150's and was very pleased with the sound. My 4yr old is crazy about Steve Miller's Fly Like an Eagle so here we go...I REALLY like them better with more watts. Things seem to even out and become detailed, but still maintains no harshness or fatigue. Our living room, dining room and kitchen is basically one big room with a 12' peak. It's a big room and these speaker fill it without hitting 9 o'clock on the dial. If the wife can live with them stuffed in the living room (they're 24" wide), then I can certainly live with them sound wise here.
So higher power is better than lower in my limited testing. Can't speak of higher powered tubes vs SS since I'm limited with the small Jolida.

Never seen something like this before: