Author Topic: What speakers would you buy with $2K?  (Read 12992 times)

Offline schwarcw

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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2015, 09:32:59 PM »
Polk Audio SDA SRS 2.3TL's. No sub needed and with the left over money, do the usual upgrades. Stereo as it should sound.

Amen!  I did this on Jesse's recommendation 10 years ago.  It was solid advice.  I did all the upgrades and mods, I think I would still have change with $2K to start.


Offline vstarkwell

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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2015, 10:38:22 PM »
Polk Audio SDA SRS 2.3TL's. No sub needed and with the left over money, do the usual upgrades. Stereo as it should sound.

Amen!  I did this on Jesse's recommendation 10 years ago.  It was solid advice.  I did all the upgrades and mods, I think I would still have change with $2K to start.

I've heard them and they sound great!!!!


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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #17 on: August 18, 2015, 08:43:30 AM »
I'd go with another pair of Martin Logan ReQuest speakers. With ASL Hurricane DT amplifiers on the panels I cannot imagine being unhappy. They are crossed over at 180 Hz so unfortunately I could tell a big difference between a musical and a not so musical amp on the subs. There is a guy in Cleveland who can redo the panels.  If you can find one with junk panels you can get them for a steal!  They are in the top 5 I have heard when set up properly.

I remember auditioning these MLs at your basement Steve - very impressive, incredible soundstage.  I agree that the ML Requests should be in the list for anyone looking for great bang for the buck at $2K level. 


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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2015, 08:45:38 AM »
I would of course buy Acoustats.
They don't suffer from panel failure like the Martin Logans and the Quads and they sound better.
In all my years of listening to speakers including the Infinity IRS system on Mark Levinson and Conrad Johnson electronics I have never heard a better speaker than Acoustats.
While you can't get extremely high SPLs out of them they do sound the same as a live classical concert.

Also expected this one.  You have been very consistent in praising the Acoustats over the years.   I have not been able to audition a pair yet - it is in the bucket list.

Offline EmperorNorton

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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2015, 11:11:51 AM »

I have a standing invitation from a Mr. Don Gold, who lives in Irwin, to stop over and audition his multiple systems, at least one that includes some Acoustats.  I struck up a conversation with Mr. Gold at an estate sale a few years back and, lo and behold, later discovered, at the swap meet a couple years ago, that, at some time in the past,  our own Anders sold him speakers.

Its a small world after all......
Rega Planar 3
Oppo 103
Musical Fidelity M1 DAC
AR LS-17
Quad II 80 monoblocks
Canton CT-800 speakers


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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2015, 03:22:45 PM »
LaScalas.   I adore LaScalas, but this is fiction both in terms of the budget and the foot print.

I could have had you a pair of super modded ones for like 1800 last year.  Some dude drove all the way from Lexington just to get them.  They are big though... and mildly to extremely ugly depending on the finish.

2 grand... hm...  does used count?  I've always wanted to listen to a pair of Acoustic Zen adagio's.  Made by the same guy who did all the True Image Research gear that has been floating around since the late 80's.  New though... can you get Legacy's in the price range?

Offline papabearjew

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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2015, 05:03:31 PM »

From Carl:
Amen!  I did this on Jesse's recommendation 10 years ago.  It was solid advice.  I did all the upgrades and mods, I think I would still have change with $2K to start.

Did you want Jesse's girl too?
« Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 05:07:06 PM by papabearjew »

Offline Sir Thrift-a-Lot

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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2015, 06:53:37 PM »

2 grand... hm...  does used count? 

Used better count.   New LaScalas are four large EACH (still made in Hope, Arkansas). 

How can you say this is ugly?

Well, I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.   They were my first love.    :-*


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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2015, 09:07:18 PM »
I've visited with Don Gold at his house too.  The Acoustats he has are huge and in a very small room.  Think they are simply called the Monitors, they are the one with the built in tube amps in the bases.


I have a standing invitation from a Mr. Don Gold, who lives in Irwin, to stop over and audition his multiple systems, at least one that includes some Acoustats.  I struck up a conversation with Mr. Gold at an estate sale a few years back and, lo and behold, later discovered, at the swap meet a couple years ago, that, at some time in the past,  our own Anders sold him speakers.

Its a small world after all......


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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2015, 09:07:42 PM »

I have a standing invitation from a Mr. Don Gold, who lives in Irwin, to stop over and audition his multiple systems, at least one that includes some Acoustats.  I struck up a conversation with Mr. Gold at an estate sale a few years back and, lo and behold, later discovered, at the swap meet a couple years ago, that, at some time in the past,  our own Anders sold him speakers.

Its a small world after all......

I would be interested to join if you accept the invite,  let me know!  Would like to listen to La Scalas



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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #25 on: August 18, 2015, 09:09:40 PM »
I've visited with Don Gold at his house too.  The Acoustats he has are huge and in a very small room.  Think they are simply called the Monitors, they are the one with the built in tube amps in the bases.


I have a standing invitation from a Mr. Don Gold, who lives in Irwin, to stop over and audition his multiple systems, at least one that includes some Acoustats.  I struck up a conversation with Mr. Gold at an estate sale a few years back and, lo and behold, later discovered, at the swap meet a couple years ago, that, at some time in the past,  our own Anders sold him speakers.

Its a small world after all......

Should have written 'Acoustats'...

Offline AdamG

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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2015, 09:46:10 AM »
I'd like to find a pair of the somewhat larger Apogee speakers. Should be doable in $2k.


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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2015, 02:30:48 PM »

2 grand... hm...  does used count? 

Used better count.   New LaScalas are four large EACH (still made in Hope, Arkansas). 

How can you say this is ugly?

Well, I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.   They were my first love.    :-*

The pair I dealt with were a nasty looking black with a rough texture.  They looked like hell.  Sounded good though; I'm not much of a horn guy though.

Offline Kingman

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Re: What speakers would you buy with $2K?
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2015, 08:29:24 PM »
You know the AL 3's can't be beat in that price range.