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Onkyo TX-36 receiver...
I picked up the Onkyo cheap yesterday...
After replacing one of the speaker fuses & a few other fairly minor repairs, the amplifier portion sounds great!
I had trouble tuning the receiver to get a stereo signal & by accident tuned to 0.1 Mhz off the proper frequency and got a stereo signal... Had to tune to 102.6, not 102.5 to get the station (WDVE, etc.) to come in with a stereo signal...
Said all that to say, how difficult is it to correct/re-align the fm tuner to the proper frequency? I found & downloaded a service manual... Or should I just expect this to be an integrated amp?
Does it sound right when tuned off center? If so, you bought it cheap and other than being a digit off, if it works, you got a deal. That being said, it would bug me if the tuning indicator was off.
Klaus, at first the fm was fine... Then the longer the receiver was on it would drift a little more so I was unable to get a stereo signal...
As you probably know, with older analog tuners, FM drift was expected and a single adjustment, once everything got warm, usually held position for the duration of a listening session. Your situation sounds similar. If you retune to the correct frequency after the drift occurs, does the tuner hold it's position?.
Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
It's a digital tuner.
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