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Turntable safety cap
My Dual 1229 and a new to me 721 both suffer from the dreaded POP through the speakers, the 1229 on shut down and the 721 on start up. Googled around and they need new X2 safety caps, 0.068µF. The X2 seems important...and difficult to locate.
This is the correct one, but 19 weeks away:
This looks close, but is only X1:
From what I gather the X2 is important because it carries 120v when the TT is plugged in and off. Anyone got a clue where I can grab a few of these?
Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
I'm certainly not a tech or anything close, but if this cap is just to bleed AC, is the exact farad rating important? Does Mouser or Digikey have X2s that are close to that rating? Or two X2s that you could wire together to make that rating? I'll be honest, I don't know what X2 designates, but I know farad values can be altered and or reached in various manners other than exact replacement.
Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
I'm pretty sure that two of these (in parallel I think but one of the real tech guys can chime in on that) will get you there, and they are in stock...
Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
Read the paragraph "Substituting for Unavailable Values" on this page. I refer to this page with some frequency...
.047's are said to work, but a couple people didn't eliminate the pop until they used .068. Furthermore, I'm an idiot...manufacture lead time is 19 weeks, they have them available to ship right away. I'm going to get a few and see what happens. Nothing like having the amp up around 2 o'clock on the dial and having the speakers pop because I forgot to turn it down.
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