Author Topic: VPI 16.5 platter and cork mat  (Read 3149 times)

Offline scorpio333

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VPI 16.5 platter and cork mat
« on: October 20, 2016, 03:58:57 PM »
Brand new, never used. Ordered this awhile back and didn't get around to it. Too late to send back.

Back story is I got an old box of VPI 16 parts from Anders and built my own record cleaner. The platter was a bit wonky, the center spindle stripped the mdf and from taking it off and on the screw holes got botched as well. Ordered a new platter not know they changed the design between the 16 and 16.5. The 16.5 platter will only mount to a 16.5 motor. I'd rather not replace the motor and try a different route with the old platter. So I've got one of these sitting here doing nothing. Doubtful anyone needs it, but throwing it out there.

$40 which is only $1 off but saves time and shipping.