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WiFi signal booster?

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Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
My WiFi is presently the transmitter that is built in to the Xfiniti box.   Bear with me, I don't know much about this subject.   Gina sometimes streams music in her room, but the signal is weak there and she sometimes gets too little signal to stream at all.   We got her a TV and Chromecast for Christmas this year.   However, I am afraid that if she struggles with music streaming then HD video certainly won't work.   What can I buy, add-on, replace or whatever to remedy the situation?   FWIW, if needed I can run Ethernet from the modem to the room under her room if I need to.   Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions.

Before buying anything, I'd try to change the channel on the wifi and double check the other settings. Sometimes a channel change gets you away from an offending signal around the house. That is, if you can on that box. A quick Google search should tell you how.

If that doesn't work or can't be changed, I would add a wifi router. We have fios and I ran an ethernet cable to the first floor and use a wifi router up there. It covers most of the yard and out to the street.

Any legitimate wifi extender is fairly expensive.  Don't know how savvy you are with this kind of tech, but a lot of people use cheap/old routers and install DD-WRT firmware on them and turn them into extenders.  Google around a little bit and you'll find tutorials and such that would solve this problem for you.  Most people don't like the hassle, but I enjoy the challenge.  Wife didn't like the router sitting on her nightstand though :P


--- Quote from: Sir Thrift-a-Lot on November 30, 2016, 11:47:09 PM ---My WiFi is presently the transmitter that is built in to the Xfiniti box.   Bear with me, I don't know much about this subject.   Gina sometimes streams music in her room, but the signal is weak there and she sometimes gets too little signal to stream at all.   We got her a TV and Chromecast for Christmas this year.   However, I am afraid that if she struggles with music streaming then HD video certainly won't work.   What can I buy, add-on, replace or whatever to remedy the situation?   FWIW, if needed I can run Ethernet from the modem to the room under her room if I need to.   Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestions.

--- End quote ---

That is what I have too.  Run and ethernet cable to her room and connect a second router in "bridge" mode to give her a separate hot spot.  I may have a spare router (you probably do as well) - just need to set that second router to bridge mode so the xfinity router does not fight with the second router as to which one will be serving out ip addresses.   

Sir Thrift-a-Lot:
Running an ethernet cable into the other room is fine, but not up to her room on the second floor.   Whatever solution I end up with will "live" in the dining room (directly under her room).


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