Author Topic: "I don't care about the snow, I want speakers!"  (Read 9988 times)

Offline sean283

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"I don't care about the snow, I want speakers!"
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:59:50 AM »
Yes, another fun filled afternoon spent at OCCD's shop listening to speakers.

I liked a pair so much, they had to come home with me.

A freshly re-foamed (perfectly) pair of Yamaha NS-690IIs
After hearing a live version of Pink Floyd's "Money", I was sold.

Of course, they are in great shape, well built, and really heavy.

For now, I set them on top of the SP-2500s.

I was curious what they would sound like up off the floor... more ear level.
I will probably leave them that way for a few days, then try them down low.

Currently running them with the Sansui 5000x (as a preamp) and the Carver TFM-15CB, and a Kenwood CD (1Bit).
Nothing real exotic, but the sound is really impressive (at least to me  ;D )

The Carver's power meters indicate that the Yamaha speakers are bit more power hungry (than the other speakers I have).
No problem there... I have some to spare.

I like the flexability the speaker's crossovers give.
Instead of the 3 position crossover I am used to, the Yamaha's allow you to "dial in" the sound you are looking for (looks like about 3DB each way).
I am running the Sansui flat, making only minor adjustments at the speaker crossover.

I tend to like my mids attenuated just a bit. For me, too much mids = pain

I also find the the soundstage to be pretty damn impressive.

Tight and clear sounding. Bass is there without being too "boomy".

After getting them hooked up, I punched play on the CD player.
I happened to have Urge Overkill's Exit the Dragon in there.
That CD came out in 1995, I have listened to it quite a few times since then.

I swear, I heard details tonight that I have never heard before.
At some point during Digital Black Epilogue, I heard sounds that made me snap my head around looking for the source.

Gotta love that.

I'm going back to my favorite chair to enjoy a few more tunes before bed.
Another winner from Vintage HiFi of Pittsburgh.

SS system 1 - Conrad Johnson PV-10AL  Carver TFM-25 Carver DTL-200 MKII Carver C9 River Current RC8- Yamaha NS-690II Yamaha NS-670
SS system 2 - Sansui 9090DB Snell EII  Tascam CD-RW700
Tube system - Akai X-150D H.H. Scott 99-D (2)  Sony MDS-JE510 Bozak B-302A

Offline OCCD

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Re: "I don't care about the snow, I want speakers!"
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2010, 01:33:02 AM »
Do you want ants? Because THAT'S HOW YOU GET ANTS!


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Re: "I don't care about the snow, I want speakers!"
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2010, 10:36:48 AM »
Congrats On Getting The Speakers sean. They Look Beautiful. ;D

Happy Listening sean.------BILL(BB3)

Offline MasterBlaster

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Re: "I don't care about the snow, I want speakers!"
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2010, 11:36:15 AM »
Very cool Sean. Those speakers are solid!
HT: Audiocontrol Maestro M3, Sunfire 5*200,  Tannoy Mercury MX , SVS PB-12 Sub

Head-Fi: FUBAR IV Plus DAC, Grado SR225

Living Room: Dynaco ST-70 (R&R work done by NATOE), Dynaco PAS Preamp, Jamo C607 towers, MCS 6710 Turntable

Offline thuffman03

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Re: "I don't care about the snow, I want speakers!"
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2010, 11:40:55 AM »
Nice pickup on the speakers! 8)
Got Carver?

Offline Reverend

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Re: "I don't care about the snow, I want speakers!"
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2010, 11:57:06 AM »
Very cool!

Offline Falcon

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Re: "I don't care about the snow, I want speakers!"
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2010, 03:19:18 PM »
Very nice speaker's. I have the little brother's, the NS-670's. Same thing, just smaller cabinets, very well built speaker's. and sound is superb on both model's.

Offline sean283

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Re: "I don't care about the snow, I want speakers!"
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2010, 04:32:22 PM »
Thanks Guys.

Next on the project list is getting a set of River Current cables, and some Carver Audio interconnects.
Let's see if I can squeeze even more sound out of them. :)

SS system 1 - Conrad Johnson PV-10AL  Carver TFM-25 Carver DTL-200 MKII Carver C9 River Current RC8- Yamaha NS-690II Yamaha NS-670
SS system 2 - Sansui 9090DB Snell EII  Tascam CD-RW700
Tube system - Akai X-150D H.H. Scott 99-D (2)  Sony MDS-JE510 Bozak B-302A