Yes, another fun filled afternoon spent at OCCD's shop listening to speakers.
I liked a pair so much, they had to come home with me.

A freshly re-foamed (perfectly) pair of Yamaha NS-690IIs
After hearing a live version of Pink Floyd's "Money", I was sold.
Of course, they are in great shape, well built, and
really heavy.
For now, I set them on top of the SP-2500s.
I was curious what they would sound like up off the floor... more ear level.
I will probably leave them that way for a few days, then try them down low.
Currently running them with the Sansui 5000x (as a preamp) and the Carver TFM-15CB, and a Kenwood CD (1Bit).
Nothing real exotic, but the sound is really impressive (at least to me


The Carver's power meters indicate that the Yamaha speakers are bit more power hungry (than the other speakers I have).
No problem there... I have some to spare.
I like the flexability the speaker's crossovers give.
Instead of the 3 position crossover I am used to, the Yamaha's allow you to "dial in" the sound you are looking for (looks like about 3DB each way).
I am running the Sansui flat, making only minor adjustments at the speaker crossover.
I tend to like my mids attenuated just a bit. For me, too much mids = pain
I also find the the soundstage to be pretty damn impressive.
Tight and clear sounding. Bass is there without being too "boomy".
After getting them hooked up, I punched play on the CD player.
I happened to have Urge Overkill's Exit the Dragon in there.
That CD came out in 1995, I have listened to it quite a few times since then.
I swear, I heard details tonight that I have never heard before.
At some point during Digital Black Epilogue, I heard sounds that made me snap my head around looking for the source.
Gotta love that.
I'm going back to my favorite chair to enjoy a few more tunes before bed.
Another winner from Vintage HiFi of Pittsburgh.